Liberation of Crimea And Sevastopol In Photos


Operation of Crimea liberation was being held from April 8th to May 12th 1944 by forces of the fourth Ukrainian front, Primorye army supported by the Black and Azov fleets.

In May 5-7th, 1944 the troops of the Ukrainian front attacked the German fortifications in intense battles, on the 9th of May they fully liberated Sevastopol, on the 12th of May remaining enemy troops laid down arms on Cape Chersonese. This photo set is devoted to the event.

Sevastopol Palace of the Pioneers damaged by enemy shells after liberation of the city. May 1944.

German minesweeper in the Sevastopl bay. 1944.

German attack plane Fw.190 destroyed by the Soviet aviation at the airfield of Chersonese.

Soviet partisans and sailors meet in liberated Yalta, 1944.

Romanian and German commanders. 27th February,1944

Soviet partisans meet in liberated Yalta, 1944.

Soviet light cruiser enters the Sevastopol bay. November 5th, 1944.

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