Theater Director From Lithuania Readmitted to Russia After Ban


MOSCOW, February 4 (RIA Novosti) – An artistic director of a prominent Moscow theater, who is a Lithuanian passport holder, was eventually allowed to re-enter Russia on Tuesday after being banned, the theater’s director said.

Mindaugas Karbauskis, the artistic director of Moscow’s Mayakovsky Theater since 2011, had to spend Saturday night at Moscow’s Vnukovo Airport after being refused to enter Russia over alleged law violations.

“Karbauskis flew to Moscow and passed border checks. So everything’s fine. He is due to come to the theater tomorrow. Everyone is looking forward to see him,” Mayakovsky Theater director Leonid Osharin said.

Border control officials said earlier this week that Karbauskis had been barred from Russia till November 23, 2015, for unspecified minor violations that he had committed in Moscow.

But he was eventually allowed to enter the country on guarantees provided by the theater’s management.

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