Russian Police Hunt Suspects in Chocolate Heist


MOSCOW, February 6 (RIA Novosti) – Russian police are looking for three men who stole two truckloads of chocolate worth $375,000 from a confectionary east of Moscow.

According to local police, the men entered the premises of the Ferrero chocolate factory in the Vladimir Region, loaded up their vehicle and absconded with their chocolaty loot on two separate nights in mid-December, but the theft was not announced at the time.

Police say the suspects used fake identification in the names of Sergei Kosorukov, Vladislav Nazaruk and Mikhail Razvorotnev to enter the plant.

A police spokesperson said this was not the first such instance at the factory and added that the crime will not impact the confectionary as its customers pay in advance and assume the risk of loss during delivery.

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