Russian Newlyweds Who Beat Up Cops Are Thrown in Separate Jails


MOSCOW, February 5 (RIA Novosti) – A Russian couple that tied the knot a bit too rowdily, including by beating up three cops, will have to delay the start of their married life by 18 months – which they will spend in separate prisons.

The couple’s trouble began on the second day of the wedding, when the groom, inebriated, took a rental car for a drive, the Investigative Committee said in a statement Wednesday.

The 24-year-old ended up crashing the car into a bus station and fleeing the scene on foot to a hiding spot nearby, said the committee’s branch for central Russia’s Chuvashia republic.

The groom came out of hiding only to try to stop police from towing away the car, the report said.

When words failed him, he teamed up with his bride, who by that time had arrived on the scene, and repeatedly punched, kicked and headbutted three officers of the law, investigators said.

That last action is what got them the prison time, on charges of assaulting an officer on duty, though the couple retains the right to appeal, the committee said.

The incident took place in September, but the verdict was only reported Wednesday.

Investigators did not release the couple’s names, but said that the bride was 23 and that both were unemployed and had criminal records.

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