Russia Slams New US Sanctions Against Iran


MOSCOW, February 7 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s Foreign Ministry on Friday criticized the US government’s recent blacklisting of individuals and organizations linked to Iran’s nuclear program.

The move is a direct violation of a November deal clinched in Geneva by Tehran and international negotiators, including the United States, the ministry said.

“We see this step as unacceptable and a violation of international law,” the ministry said in a statement.

The US Treasury Department announced Thursday that it added more entries to the blacklist of people and organizations accused of supporting Iran’s nuclear program.

The Islamic Republic has long claimed its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, but Western powers fear it could be used to produce an atomic weapon.

The update of the US blacklist included individuals and organizations based in Turkey, Spain, Germany, Georgia, Afghanistan, Iran, the United Arab Emirates and Liechtenstein.

A similar expansion of the blacklist in December also prompted outcry in Moscow and Tehran.

© RIA Novosti. Denis Krukov

Iran has endured a decade-long barrage of mounting international and bilateral sanctions over accusations from Western countries over its nuclear program.

November’s agreement saw Iran suspend its nuclear research in exchange for a partial lifting of the sanctions, which have crippled its economy.

But Iran and the 5+1 group of international negotiators – the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany – have yet to agree on a permanent deal regarding the program.

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