Kaliningrad to Mark Sausage Day with Giant Sausage


KALININGRAD, February 9 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s western exclave of Kaliningrad was set to embrace its medieval roots on Saturday by celebrating Long Sausage Day, complete with production of “the fattest sausage.”

The sausage, made according to old Prussian recipes, will be 3 meters long and 30 centimeters thick, a spokeswoman for a local museum said.

It will take six people to drag the 100-kilogram sausage around, the spokeswoman said.

Kaliningrad resumed observation of Long Sausage Day last year after a 400-year-long break.

It first celebrated the delicious holiday in 1520, when it was still known as Königsberg and was a German city.

The local butchers' guild paraded a 16-meter-long sausage through the streets that year. They strove to outdo themselves every year, peaking in 1601 with a sausage about 390 meters long and weighing 260 kilograms.

Beer consumption on Long Sausage Day was known to reach 40 tons.

The resurrected holiday takes place in the Museum of World Ocean in Kaliningrad, located on the site of a 17th-century fortress destroyed in World War II. The city was annexed by the Soviet Union and renamed following the war.

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