Church: to the Space and Beyond



As it has been reported by API news agency, there is a cosmonaut (astronaut) space suit that has been developed especially for the use by Orthodox church priests while their (possible) space trips. As the agency says: “priests can fly to space with accordance to all their religious protocols and implement their function in space. It’s not yet clear when the first launch is planned though”.

Also, recently there were reports of Russian Orthodox Church adopting special Olympic uniform to support the Sochi Winter Games. Here we can see some photos of the Church’s head in the mentioned outfit:


As you can see it is also painted in mostly black color to match the traditional Orthodox priest’s outfit, which is pretty in contrast to official colorful Russian Sochi outfits you can see on other non-church members.20140206-VAR_6045-1200-600x449

As The Olympics are approaching and we expect more news coming in connected with it!

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