Russian Woman Rams Armored Vehicle


BLAGOVESHCHENSK, January 15 (RIA Novosti) – A woman rammed an armored military vehicle in eastern Russia, regional traffic police said Wednesday.

“A woman [aged about 50] driving a Toyota Allion failed to maintain a safe following distance from the vehicle in front of her, and crashed into a combat reconnaissance patrol vehicle,” police in the Amur Region said in a statement.

The woman sustained minor injuries in the accident, which took place in foggy conditions, police said.

“The woman was wearing a seatbelt, which saved her from more serious injuries. The airbag also deployed. However, she still needed medical attention – she had an abrasion on her forehead and a slight concussion,” police told RIA Novosti.

The armored vehicle was en route to a military facility and left the scene unscathed.

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