Russia Foiled 12 Terrorist Attacks This Year – Putin


MOSCOW, December 20 (RIA Novosti) – Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday that the country’s Federal Security Service (FSB) had prevented at least 12 terrorist attacks in the past year.

“This year, FSB officers foiled 77 terrorism-related crimes, including 12 terrorist attacks,” Putin said at a gala evening dedicated to the professional holiday of security officers, Security Agency Workers Day.

“As a result of the special operations carried out, 255 militants have been neutralized, including 40 gang leaders; more than 500 militants and their accomplices have been detained,” he said.

Putin urged security agency officers to keep acting “in the same resolute way” ahead of and during international events Russia hosts next year, in an apparent reference to the 2014 Winter Olympic Games due in February in Russia’s southern resort city of Sochi.

© RIA Novosti.

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