Moscow City Hall Rejects Opposition’s Request for March


MOSCOW, December 4 (RIA Novosti) – Moscow City Hall has rejected a request for an opposition-sponsored march “for the rights of Muscovites” because the applicant failed to agree on the venue in time, a high-ranking city official said Wednesday.

“The march’s organizers failed to get in touch with us within the established deadline, Tuesday evening,” said Alexei Mayorov, head of the city’s department of regional security.

“Now, in accordance with the law, this event is considered unauthorized,” Mayorov said.

According to a post on a Facebook page apparently dedicated to the march, City Hall was notified on November 25 that the march would take place on December 7 along a certain route in central Moscow, but city authorities suggested another route.

Mayorov said Wednesday that he was “extremely surprised” at the opposition’s “unwillingness” to resolve the route issue.

He said City Hall had notified law enforcement agencies that the march would be illegal if held.

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