Polymers Making Factory


There is a factory in Voronezh, Russia, that has recently started making modern polymer materials (butadiene-styrene thermoplastic elastomers). Such polymers are used for road construction, roofing materials, glue making, various types of plastic, in footwear industry. In the former Soviet countries it’s the only factory making such products. We are not going to describe complicated chemical processes, we will simply have a short excursion to the factory.

The unit of receipt and making of a catalyst agent – butyl lithium.

The resulted active styrene polymer is mixed with butadiene to make a new active polymer. It’s an intermediate product that can be used for making TEP (thermoelastoplast) with necessary properties.

On the picture above are reactors and all the equipment required for polymerization.

The ready TEP is a solid substance. The chemical process of polymerization is impossible without generating much heat. So TEP is to be dissolved.

Special pumps are on the picture above.

At the zone of preparation of monomers and solvents.

Fire hydrants: safety goes first!

In the central control room.

The dissolved TEP is placed into such huge 340m2 capacities for evaluation of its properties.

Water distillation method is applied for obtaining pure TEP.

This machine allows to get solid TEP in the condition of “porous flakes” which are going to be dried next.

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