Surkov Likely to Take Post of Presidential Aide - Report


MOSCOW, September 6 (RIA Novosti) - Former Kremlin ideologue Vladislav Surkov, who resigned from the Russian government in May, is likely to take the post of a presidential aide on social and economic issues of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Vedomosti daily reported on Friday.

This post is currently occupied by Tatyana Golikova and, according to an unnamed source in the government, she is likely to head the Audit Chamber starting in October, while Surkov will take her seat, the daily reported.

The article added that Surkov did not comment on this information.

In late August, Russia’s Izvestia newspaper reported citing unnamed sources within the Russian government that Surkov would be appointed as a presidential aide responsible for innovation development. Surkov then flatly denied the allegations.

Considered one of the architects of the “power vertical” political system ushered in under President Vladimir Putin, Surkov resigned as deputy prime minister in May shortly after sharply criticizing Russia’s powerful Investigative Committee over probes into alleged corruption at Skolkovo. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said at the time that Surkov’s departure was linked to his failure to carry out some of Putin’s decrees.

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