Russian Jailed for ‘Justifying Terrorism’ Online – Prosecutors


MOSCOW, September 4 (RIA Novosti) – A Russian man was convicted and sentenced to two years in a penal colony for “public justification of terrorism” via a social-networking website, prosecutors said Wednesday.

In August 2010, St. Petersburg resident Murat Sarbashev posted a video of an Islamist militant who advocated violence against ethnic Russians and called on Muslims to establish an independent Islamic state in Russia’s North Caucasus region, prosecutors said in an online statement.

The video was posted on Sarbashev’s webpage on, a popular Russian social-networking website, the statement said. After receiving negative feedback on the video, Sarbashev retorted with a “public justification of terrorism [and] a statement deeming the ideology and practice of terrorism right and worthy of support and imitation,” prosecutors said.

Sarbashev was detained in February, along with about 300 other people, during a police raid that targeted suspected terrorists in Russia’s second-largest city.

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