The Very Heart of the Rocket


Many Soviet children used to dream about becoming cosmonauts. Or to be somehow related to cosmonautics. But today it’s seldom like this. Nevertheless different new projects are still being worked on and people are simply unaware of them.

Here is one of such projects. RD-861K rocket engine has been developed based on RD-861 which was used for early modifications of the carrier rocket “Cyclone”.

Fire tests have been conducted since 2007. The engine is planned to be used for the third stage of “Cyclone-4″.

Development design office 586 was developing a lunar module. On the photo above is an engine of “E” unit of the Soviet Lunar Program. There have been preserved only three engines like this, two of them are located here.

The engine has unique propulsion performance, its runtime, and multiple strat capability in vacuum.

The lunar ship represented the construction that consisted of a pressurized cabin, a section with attitude engines, a docking unit, an instrument module, a lunar module descent engine and a rocket pack “E”.

During the tests they never reached a failure: the engine was working during 10 000 sec. at the required 470 sec.

“E” unit had to provide braking of the lunar ship, landing on the Moon surface. Time of being on the Moon – from six to twenty four hours. Then the ship had to take off and accelerate by means of “I” unit.

One of the two turbo pipes of the engine’s “E” unit.

Turbo pipe of rocket UR-100N (15A15).

Engine of the lunar unit “E”.

Engine RD-250 is mounted on the first stage launcher of “Cyclone”.

15D12 (RD-857) was developed in 1967 but never was serially produced. However it was used to develop engine RD-862 on its basis.

Huge liquid propellant system.

Its turbo pipe.

Nozzles of the combustion chamber.

It’s a nozzle of the solid engine with a tilting mechanism.

Sphetical tanks.

More nozzles.

But let us say a few words about aviation. This is D-36 – engine of the design bureau “Progress”.

Three-rotor turbofan engine.

It has been serially produced since 1976 and mounted on a passenger plane Yak-42 and transport ones – An-72, An-74.

Almost fully assembled compressor.

via war666beast

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