Mother Dies, Baby Injured After KamAZ Truck Smashes House


PERM, May 26 (RIA Novosti) – A young woman died and her baby was injured after a dump truck smashed into a house in the Perm Region in the Urals, the local Interior Department said on Sunday.

A KamAZ truck rammed into a two-apartment one-storey house early on Sunday in the town of Kungur, causing the collapse of a house wall. A 35-year-old woman and her little baby who lived in the house, and also the truck’s driver and his passenger were hospitalized.

“The woman who suffered in the accident, the mother of a little baby, has died in hospital from injuries,” the Interior Department said, adding the condition of her baby, who is less than one year-old, was not life-threatening.

The police are now investigating the causes of the accident to establish why the truck suddenly crossed over into the opposite lane and smashed into the house. The truck driver is being tested for alcoholic intoxication, the Interior Department said.

A criminal probe into the accident has been launched.

About 30,000 people die in traffic accidents in Russia annually. The accidents are attributed to a poor condition of roads and traffic violations, including drunk driving, running red lights and crossing into the oncoming lane.

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