City Goes Batmobile



The alien influence brought to Russia by the recent meteor continues to unfold. So just a few words out of history class first. In Soviet times all the public transportation in Soviet cities belonged to the state (as everything else did). However when the free fall of free market society began a lot of cities still kept the public transportation as a state owned business. This city has its own trolleybuses business – buses that ran on a cheap electricity thru the lines built mostly in Soviet times.

What’s so cool about it is that a few days ago the pretty respectable executive of the bus business has introduced (and already placed it all over the city bus park) their new logo which has a flying big black red-eyed bat carrying the bus in its hands and the motto above it says “Earth goodbye! Farewell!”, like the bat itself was not enough. When asked what is this about, the chief executive said that he designed the new logo by himself. Also he came with an idea of a slogan, noting that this is a phrase he likes a lot and it makes feel him well so he wanted the people to feel well riding the bus as well. As he is the top manager of the company he approved the new design also by himself. And now all their corporate letterheads and business cards would be decorated by this symbol as well.






And this is just really serious. You can see that all the buses on the pictures are differently numbered, it is not a photo of just one and the same bus, so the whole city fleet now carries this.

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