With a Song About Beloved Company


We have found more videos made by people who are devoted to the companies they work for. This time it is the staff of trade-union “Iskra” (“Sparkle”) who sing about their job and workers of the company “Post of Russia”.

Probably it was fun to make the videos.


“There are many trade unions in the country, but we want to introduce ours, it has so many advantages and its workers are all special. There is no difficult task for us!”

“This trade union will always protect me, I would give it a half of me!”

“I deal with zirconium and bromine, to make them less harmful I drink milk and juice. Protect me, my beloved company! Pay for the harm!”.

“Whatever happens, our company will help us. We celebrate any holiday together. Our company is forever young: exhibitions, chess and football – it’s never boring to be with you!”.

“Let me introduce myself, I am Olga Rogacheva and I’ve been working at the Tombov post-office for six years, can you imagine this? The post service is developing so fast, it’s hard to believe that pigeons were used to deliver mails once. Our service makes people happy and I am glad to be a part of this”.

“Our opportunities can even shock people!”

“Rogacheva is ready for anything! 60 people are in subjection! My job is the best in the Universe!”

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