Lady Gaga And Her Russian Fans


This month the world famous lady – Lady Gaga – came to Russia! Her fans were not afraid of severe cold and were waiting for her at the airport despite the fact her flight was delayed for several hours. Inside this post are some photos of Lady Gaga in Moscow and St. Petersburg as well as her devoted Russian fans.


Fans of Lady Gaga are freezing at the airport of St. Petersburg.

Here she is! In such an outfit she will get cold very fast!

And on these pictures she is already in Moscow.

Hey, it’s a bit cold for such a swimsuit!

Concerts of Lady Gaga attracted too many Russian freaks to one place. They were standing in lines stretching for kilometers for highly desired tickets. Let’s meet some of them right now:

Alina (18) and Dasha (14)

“We are so bright! We want to be the first to get backstage! We are striving for attention!”

Lena, 17

“Yesterday I was standing at the hotel where Lady Gaga was for four hours! And it was soooo cold! Finally I failed to wait for her.”

Konstantin, 19

“I spent two weeks to make this headwear trying to make it similar to that one worn by Lady Gaga at VMA 2010″.

Ann (17) and Anastacia (19)

Ann: “I want badly to get to “the Haus of Gaga”. It’s her team. This is my dream. I want to become a designer and it seems to be a step in a right direction. Lady Gaga can help me with inspiration. I have mother who gave birth to me and I have Gaga – my creative mother who inspires me”.

Miss Volkova (18) and Lady Star (19)

Star: “I am naked under the jacket and all in blood. As if I was being beaten for long”.

Volkova: “It took a day to make my costume and one day more to decorate it”.

Star: “I am always naked. Only in my panties and bra. Why should I care much about clothes? A bit of blood and I am ready. Now it’s cold outside but at the concert I am going to be nude”.

Katya (14) and Liza (14)

“Lady Gaga has an interesting image. But it’s not the most important thing. Her texts are more meaningful. “Born This Way” from the last album is kind and humane to all people. It unites people”.

Eva (16) and Gosha (16)

” We didn’t have time to make costumes so we put on what we had”.

Denis (18) and Dasha (17)

“Gaga has emancipated people. Can you imagine men and boys wearing such makeup five or six years ago? Could they put such high heels on and come here by subway?”

Dmitry (24) and Semen (25)

“We do not have special costumes. Some creativity is only on our heads. Lady Gaga will see only them. Everything is for her!”.

Jane, 18

“I made my costume very fast from what I had at hand”.

Alisa (17), Marina (17) and Snezhana (21)

“We didn’t make costumes on purpose. It’s what we wear every day. If it was warmer we would invent something more interesting. Some nudity with spikes!”

Georgy (22)

“It took me about six hours to prepare for the concert. It’s the work of several stylists and makeup artists. It’s done for Gaga. Her fans should correspind, right?”

Sergey (58) is a pumping units operator.

“I bought all this stuff a week ago specially for the concert. I had wanted to look like an alien first but it would have required more time to prepare…”

It seems freezing cold saved us from a much more horrible spectacle!

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