In One of the Oldest Moscow Houses


There is a nice place in Moscow – a house of the Volkov-Yusupovs. It’s one of the oldest buildings in Moscow, it was built in the XVII century and was painted and decorated in the end of the XIX century in the “Russian style”.

The house of Volkov-Yusupovs appeared in the times of Ivan the Terrible, it used to be surrounded by the forest then and the tsar liked to hunt there and stay in the house.


The house belonged to different people with different fates. Prince Grigory D. Yusupov got the house in 1727 and his family was possessing the house till 1917.

This is the red room of the house.

It’s the ceiling in the Hunting hall.

It’s the arms of the Yusupovs family.

In 1917 the Yusupovs had to leave for Europe. But the house history contunued.

This is a Chinese room.

It’s the throne room.

Since 1929 the house had been occupied by the Presidium of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after Lenin. In 1992 a Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences was created there.

It’s the Armorial room.

By the end of the XX century the architecture monument came to quite a dilapidated state. It needed a serious repair. In the beginning of the century the new owners started restoration of the house.

It’s the dining room.

This is the parlour of the prince.

Today the house is fully restored and looks this good.

via bonooooo

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