Ants At Home, Part II


Last year we showed you how one guy built a place for his ants to live in. This year he realized that the family has grown too much and needs another apartment.

Attention: better don’t read this post while eating.


This is the old house for the ants.

What can you use to make an ant farm? It can be an IKEA photo frame, for example.

IKEA brings new ideas.

The frame needs to have holes for an entry, humidification and ventilation. The styrofoam pieces are fixed with plasticine. The humidity chamber is protected with a mosquito net.

Then it’s turn of plaster.

Some ways seem to be blocked but they are just too narrow.


But it can be fixed!

The farm was wrapped with polyethylene that was fixed with silicone and put under the glass.

In few days the silicone dried. It was time to assemble the new house.

Holes should be drilled in the old monitor frame.

The frame is mounted on the monitor.

These are the ventilation pipes.

Extra polyethylene can be cut off.

Do you see the old farm on the right?

They are so happy that they kiss each other.

“Is anyone home??”

They have found a secret room.

In the morning it became clear that some secret rooms were still closed.

The ants are making DNA models from the larvae.

Mommy has come!

They like honey.

They seem to have a guest!

The guest didn’t expect this.

They have opened a secret room!

The ants are on the arena.

They produce wastes too.

An illegal dweller is detected. A springtail?

They like to watch how huge human beings live.

Would you like to have all this at home?

via dandrey

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