USA's new military strategy dooms Russia to eternal fire


According to a new version of the US military strategy, the United States is determined to restrain Russia militarily to prevent Russia's advancement to any regions of the world by creating new conflict situations near Russian borders.

According to General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Moscow will be forced to act to ensure its security in the first place and will thus be unable to carry out "aggressive movement on the planet." In a nutshell, the USA wants to keep the Russian army within the borders of the former USSR, and the United States will take direct action to cause such situations to occur.

Andrei Koshkin, a member of the Association of Military Political Scientists, told Pravda.Ru that the USA wants a fire on the threshold of our house to burn continuously. "In the format of this concept, military operations in the south-east of Ukraine should be maintained by all forms and means. The USA does not want to settle the conflict in Ukraine  - this is out of the question, because Ukraine is controlled externally from Washington today," the expert noted.

"The conflict between North Korea and the United States of America continues on the perimeter of our borders, the conflict between India and Pakistan has resumed, whereas in the Balkan region, another conflict may evolve to an armed confrontation between Serbia and Kosovo."

"As part of the new military strategy, the United States wants to shift the responsibility for the escalation of tensions in the world to Russia. At the same time, the Americans have pulled out from the INF Treaty. This move raised serious concerns in Europe, because the USA is supposed to protect Europe. Washington had to make excuses instead.

As for the situation in Venezuela, Andrei Koshkin believes that Russia is seeking objective observation of international law. "Why on Earth does the US President appoint a new President of Venezuela when the people of the country elected Maduro?" the military expert wondered.

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