7 Forbidden Things-to-Do in Russian Banya


Banya (sauna) for Russians is like a cult. It is able to regenerate human again, to give strength for new exploits.

Don't go there after midnight

If you think that a banya is as an uninhabited island, you are mistaken. For centuries there lives so-called Bannik - a banya master. This creature likes when everyone please him in every way: leave a bar of soap, for example, or water in a pitcher - Bannik also wants to wash. He prefers steaming strongly after midnight. If you also have such a "wonderful" idea, beware - Bannik will crush you. Simply to say, it will intoxicate your desperate little head.

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Woman, step aside!

Even in banya there was discrimination of women, and all because they were considered to be unclean for centuries. Even to a church they were not always allowed to enter, what is there to say about the bath. It was believed that if a woman goes to the bath first, then all that she washed away, her sins and disease will pass to someone who will bathe afterwards. Therefore, the first, of course, "holy" men went to wash, and only then their "impure" wives. 

Don't go the third one

In addition that Bannik prefers to steam after midnight, he still loves his third turn in the so-called "third steam". Note: Bannik will not forgive if you try to disrupt the order and enter the bath in the third set. Bannik's action will be gentle and awing: he either will pour boiling water on you so that the skin will descend, or simply choke. Purity is, of course, the guarantee of health, but if you really do not have time, you'd better go to bed, dirty but at least unscathed.

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