The Brightest Town in Russia


One of the most remote cities in that vast country, the capital of the sparsely populated Russian region. Quite a few people live in Anadyr, just 15,000. This even for the district center in the middle lane is not enough. But not for Chukotka where just 50000 people live.

To tell the truth, fly to Chukotka for just looking at Anadyr is not worth it. There are only a few streets that you completely bypass a couple of hours. Still, one need to fly and change to a helicopter or ship, go on a visit to the Chukchi and deer.

At the same time, this town is an obvious candidate for the title of the brightest town in Russia. See how the perception of the surrounding reality is changing, if one just paint the old Soviet houses!

Arriving at Anadyr airport, you find yourself on the other side of the bay from the city. To access the capital is not available in every season. We were lucky: arriving in the short northern summer, we found a sea navigation on the ship "Kamchatka". In fierce winter it's possible to reach the town by hovercrafts, but in the off-season - only by helicopter. And ride to the airport or simply to the village on business can cost you 2,500 rubles ($40) one-way. The boat is worth a mere penny, just a hundred rubles. But even in summer it can be canceled, for example, because of the storm.


Sailing takes about an hour. The boat is very small  and old. Here you realize how small this huge Chukotka: you have a feeling that all passengers know each other for many years, they greet, talk all the way.LR2014.06-RUS.87-Anadyr-3

The town meets us with some pile of half-dry ships ashore, two sunken barges overgrown with grass.

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