Barbers from Kirov Cut Hair to Homeless Men for Free. Each Person Told Us His Own Story


The owner of the Kirov male hairdresser Eugene Bukharin and his workers visited the Center of assistance to persons without permanent residence to make them trendy hairstyles. Barbers had a small talk with the men and brought their hair and beard in proper form. "The idea to cut vagrants came after reading the material on how the European Barber once a week went to the streets and cut homeless

We liked this idea very much because it is easy for us, and people who find themselves in a difficult situation need support and human participation. Hopefully, with our help, beggars seeing themselves new and neat will want to change everythinhg and start life with a clean slate. Our plan is to make trendy haircuts for boys from the orphanage," said Eugene Bukharin.

Across the network:


Vladimir Algin, 53. He worked as an electrician. He had an apartment. After selling the real estate, money to buy a new apartment was not enough. He began to live on the street. He frostbit his leg and became disabled. He wants to establish relationships with his 24-year-old daughter.

Vladimir Sukhanov, 63. He spent 35 years in prison. He has 16-years-old daughter. He divorced his wife because of disagreements with his mother-in-law. He had a flat, a car. He fell asleep at a bus stop, his documents were stolen. Now lives in the Center of assistance to persons without permanent residence.

Sergey Naumov, 57. He was brought up in an orphanage. He grown up, he found his mother. Lived with her some years. Sergey's mom died and his life went downhill. The man does not remember how many times he was in prison. Sister lives in St. Petersburg. Sergey haven't seen her for 20 years.

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