Attack on the US Embassy in Moscow in 1958


People protest by the walls of the US Embassy in Moscow in July 1958

They were talking about American invasion of Lebanon.

Lebanon was living through a civil war. It was an echo of the Suez crisis and Egypt, hostile to Lebanon.

There was a rather complicated political structure in Lebanon, when the country's president was a Christian focused at the West, and the prime minister was a Muslim focused at solidarity to Arab countries. It resulted in the beginning of a civil war in Lebanon, and Lebanese President asked the US for help.

Across the network:


"All progressive mankind" in unison opposed the US military intervention...

The working people of the Soviet Union did not stay on the sidelines!

The operation involved more than 14,000 US troops, supported by 70 ships and tens of thousands of sailors from the sea.

It must be said that the Americans managed to stop the erupted civil war and bring peace back to the land of Lebanon.

The American troops left Lebanon in October of the same year, having performed a peacekeeping mission.

There were no combat losses in the US military.

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