Most Russians proud of Russia, little concerned about so-called 'isolation'

Most Russians proud of Russia, little concerned about so-called 'isolation'. Russians proud of Russia

Source: Pravda.Ru photo archive

Most Russians are not concerned about the restriction of imports of food products, a recent poll conducted by Levada Center said.

Most respondents said during the poll that Russia has great influence on international politics. In addition, most people said that they were not concerned about the so-called isolation of Russia from the Western world, even though many Western politicians have been speaking a lot about it during the current year.

The poll was conducted among 800 people from 134 settlements in 46 regions of the Russian Federation. According to the results of the poll, 19% of Russians believe that the Russian Federation has great influence on international affairs. Fifty percent of the polled said that Russia's influence in international politics was very large. Twenty-one percent of the polled said that this influence was insignificant, whereas three percent said that Russia did not have any influence on international affairs in the world.

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Deputy Director of Levada Center Alexei Grazhdankin said that "people need symbols of success and greatness of their country. "For example, Putin's recent speech at the UN General Assembly encouraged the Russians a lot," he said.

Fifty-seven percent of respondents said that they were absolutely not concerned about Russia's growing isolation from the Western world. Thirty-six percent of the polled said that they were worried about the issue.

In addition, a poll conducted by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center showed that 85% of Russians did not want to live abroad. To crown it all, many Russians consider the United States of America Russia's prime enemy, whereas 37 percent of Russians despise US President Barack Obama.


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