Russians’ general satisfaction with life dwindles — poll


MOSCOW, September 15. /TASS/. Russia’s national pollster VTsIOM has found most of those polled are far less happy with life than they were just a year ago. According to an August 22-23 poll, Russians’ satisfaction-with-life index in August 2015 was 21 points down to 56 points from 77 points in the same month last year.

"All life-satisfaction parameters have declined. People’s thoughts of their economic status showed the strongest turn for the worse," says a news release published on the pollster’s website. According to poll returns, material status ratings in August were down from 70 points to 66 points in July 2015.

"The current level is below last year’s 71 points and 73 points of two years ago, but above the 2009 level of 44 points," VTsIOM says.

Social optimism has been on the decline for a fourth month running. Now it is down 11 points since May to 57 points, which practically corresponds to the August 2009 level of 58 points. The rating of the country’s economic status in August was at 44 points in contrast to May’s 55 points.

"However, by and large the people’s opinion of the state of affairs in the economy is considerably higher than it was in August 2009, when it sank to 20 points," the pollster remarks.

Earlier, the chief of socio-political studies at VTsIOM, Stepan Lvov, said that the rating of the political situation in the country was a reason for optimism. "A majority believes that society and the state keep moving where they should," he said.

Asked "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement the country is moving in the right direction?" 42% said they "completely agree" or "rather agree", another 42% replied that they "partially agree" and 14% replied that they "completely disagree".

At the same time, in contrast to the July level, the index showed a five-point decline to 66 points, staying seven points above the August 2013 rating and six points above that of 2009.

VTsIOM specialists polled 1,600 men and women in 132 communities and cities in 46 regions, territories and republics of Russia. The error margin was no greater than 3.5%

Indexes were surveyed on a scale ranging from minus 100 points to plus 100 points. The index’s positive value indicates favourable comments prevailing over the negative. Zero shows skeptics and optimists are in balance.


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