IS elimination by efforts of all states only chance for peace in Middle East


MOSCOW, September 17. /TASS/. Termination of violence and restoration of peace in the Middle East will be possible only after the Islamic State terrorist grouping is eliminated, Valentina Matviyenko, the speaker of the upper house of Russian parliament said on Thursday in her blog at the website of the house. She stressed the need of concerted efforts on the part of all countries and political forces.

Who Is to Blame?

"There can be no two different opinions as regards the real culprits behind the drama that people of the Middle East and North Africa are living through today," Matviyenko said. "All of this stems from the the devastating policies the U.S. and a handful of other nations are conducting in the region."

"The Islamic State and its militants are waging a war against humaneness, the rights and freedoms of man, democracy, culture, and international law norms," she wrote. "These are the values making up the backbone of modern civilization."

Until the Islamic State exists, to cherish any hopes for the termination of violence, restoration of stability, and the setting of conditions for peaceful life would mean to indulge in reveries, Matviyenko believes.

Only the full elimination of IS would open up the road to achieving these goals and would help return the refugees to their homes, she said, adding that Russia started upholding this position right as of the moment the situation in Syria aggravated, a salvo of 'color revolutions' occurred, and the overthrow of legitimate governments began.

What Is to Be Done?

President Vladimir Putin, who addressed a summit of the CIS Collective Security Treaty Organization "came up with a detailed, clear, and realistic plan" of a pullout from the current situation. He called on the world community to pool efforts in struggle with terrorism, to shelve the geopolitical ambitions, to throw aside double standards, and to renounce direct of indirect employment of terrorist groupings for the achievement of petty time-serving objectives.

"I think I'll express the opinion of my fellow senators if I say our chamber will not limit its support for the plan to words only," Matviyenko wrote. "The senators will do their best to inform the world community on the essence of the plan through the channels for inter-parliamentary communications."

She stressed the ability of international terrorism to survive and utilize craftily "any opportunities for maintenance and consolidation through the use of tensions in relations between different states.

"Responsibility for regional and global security, for the implementation of people's right to peaceful life demands that no such opportunities be given to it in the future," Matviyenko said. "Russia has made an important step in that direction and now it's time for other countries to act.".


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