‘Groundless’: Kremlin spokesman blasts Washington’s reports on Russia’s ‘international isolation’


International isolation of Russia is impossible and the price of all statements that suggest the opposite is very relative, Dmitry Peskov has said in comments on the latest White House press briefing.

The Russian President’s press secretary noted that over the past year the Kremlin officials have repeatedly witnessed such rhetoric, but it had proved to be completely groundless.

READ MORE: 'Don't believe these reports': Putin's spokesman on Russian fighter jets in Syria claims

Active international activity by the head of the Russian State demonstrates that such rhetoric is completely non-viable. Russia has always been and will always remain responsible, active and very important member of the international community,” TASS quoted Peskov as saying.

The official also added that he would not exclude the possibility of direct dialogue between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Barak Obama.

We have always reiterated our position that we cannot exclude any possibility of a dialogue and we hold that the dialogue is a necessary tool for studying each other’s positions and for attempts to reach the consensus and understanding,” Peskov said.

The comment was made after White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters earlier this month that Moscow could face further isolation from the international community if it does not stop supporting Syrian President Bashar Assad.

State Department spokesman John Kirby has claimed that Russian authorities had agreed that the political regime change in Syria was possible and suggested that reporters asked the Russian side on the ultimate goal of such plans.

However, Peskov has denied Russian officials’ participation in any closed talks concerning Syria’s future.

Russia is not taking part in regime changes,” Peskov said, calling such reports “insinuations” and noting that they have become more frequent over the past months.

On Tuesday, President Vladimir Putin personally addressed the issue of Syrian conflict, saying that Moscow was very worried about Islamic State’s (IS, formerly ISIS) stated plans concerning Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem. The jihadists also plan to spread their activities to Europe, Russia, Central and Southeast Asia.

Speaking at the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) summit in Tajikistan Putin said that all world leaders should set aside their geopolitical ambitions and join the fight against IS terrorists. He also stated that Russia would continue the military-technical support to the Syrian government in its war against terrorism.

"Russia, as you know, has proposed to form a wide coalition to fight extremists without any delay. It [the coalition] should unite everyone who is ready and is already contributing to tackling terrorism,” Putin said.

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