Wisconsin Capitol building evacuated over bomb threat - reports

Wisconsin Capitol building. (Image from Wikipedia)

Wisconsin Capitol building. (Image from Wikipedia)

The Wisconsin State Capitol building is currently being evacuated due to a credible bomb threat, according to reports by local media.

Photographs and videos from local reporters state that Capitol police are asking everyone in the building to leave and walk across the street.

A "credible bomb threat" on the building was confirmed to Fox6 News by Department of Administration Communications Director Cullen Werwie.

Wisconsin state Rep. Michael Schraa also tweeted that a "credible threat to the building" is the reason for the evacuation.

Meanwhile, State Rep. Peter Barca confirmed to a Fox6 reporter that a threat was made on the building, but not against a particular individual.

At the time of the evacuation, lawmakers were in the midst of debating a state controversial budget.


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