Warning to Novaya Gazeta over use of strong language legally grounded — Kremlin spokesman


MOSCOW, July 20. /TASS/. Russia’s oversight authority in the area of communications, information technologies and mass media [Roscomnadzor] had all legal grounds to issue a warning to the Novaya Gazeta daily over the use of obscene language, Russian president’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Monday.

"Roscomnadzor acted in strict compliance with the law, if such language was really used," he told journalists. "If unquotable words were used, Roscomnadzor did exactly what it is supposed to do under the law." So, in his words, if the Novaya Gazeta used strong language, it violated the law.

When asked whether he considered the Novaya Gazeta as an "major media outlet," Peskov said, "Frankly speaking, I never divide mass media into major or not. It is not our job to do that."

"Mass media may be registered in line with the law or not, they may obey the law or not - this is how they can be divided," he said.

Earlier on Monday, Roscomnadzor said it had issued a warning to the Novaya Gazeta over the use of obscene language.

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