​UK runaway teen marries Aussie Ginger Jihadi, who warns ISIS is ‘itching to attack’ Britain - report

Amira Abase (L) and Abdullah Elmir (Stills from YouTube video/WorldNewsVideos/News TvN)

Amira Abase (L) and Abdullah Elmir (Stills from YouTube video/WorldNewsVideos/News TvN)

A British schoolgirl who traveled to Syria to join ISIS, is reported to have married the Ginger Jihadi, an Islamic State militant from Australia who has vowed to fight the US and UK until black flags fly over Buckingham Palace and the White House.

Abdullah Elmir, an 18-year-old Australian who is nicknamed ‘Ginger Jihadi’ for his long red hair has confirmed to the Mail on Sunday that he married 16-year-old Amira Abase, one of the three British schoolgirls who made a one-way journey from East London to Syria back in February to join Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

He communicated the news outlet via the Kik encrypted text message service, demanding journalists not to contact Abase again.

In the same message he warned of attacks against the UK as “brothers that I know there [in Britain]… are itching to do an attack.”

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The extremist also praised Seifeddine Rezgui, the man behind the recent massacre in the Tunisian hotel that took the lives of almost 40 people, mainly foreigners. “May Allah bless” and “grant him the highest level in Jannah [Paradise],” he said.

Abase did not confirm to the Mail on Sunday that she was married, but the description of the man for whom she was planning to get a second wife matches Elmir’s.

“He’s born Muslim, not Asian …, he’s half Lebanese and half Australian,” she wrote.

A source from the Abase family told the paper that she was married in March, but didn’t reveal to whom exactly. The newspaper said it is not revealing all the detail of the IS marriage story for “security reasons.”

Elmir left Australia in July 2014 after he told his parents that he was going on a fishing trip. He was 17 at the time. In October 2014, he appeared in an IS propaganda video, saying he will keep fighting until there is an Islamic Caliphate established in Britain and the United States.

READ MORE: Australian teen ISIS adherent vows to fight US, UK until black flags fly over Buckingham Palace, White House

“To the leaders, to [US President] Obama, to [Australian PM] Tony Abbott I say this: these weapons that we have, these soldiers, we will not stop fighting, we will not put down our weapons until we reach your lands, until we take the head of every tyrant, and until the black flag is flying high in every single land,” said Elmir.

He added: "Until we put the black flag on top of Buckingham Palace, until we put the black flag on top of the White House, we will not stop, and we will keep on fighting.”

A combination of handout CCTV pictures received from the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on February 23, 2015 shows (L-R) British teenagers Kadiza Sultana, Amira Abase and Shamima Begum passing through security barriers at Gatwick Airport, south of London, on February 17, 2015. (AFP/Metropolitan Police)

READ MORE: 2 UK girls reportedly marry ISIS fighters in Syria, have ‘no intention to come home soon’

One of his family members says he might have been “brainwashed.” “They don’t know how to fight … they should be getting an education and building this country up,” one of Elmir’s relatives, who refused to give his name, told the Telegraph.

Abase left the UK to join the jihadists in February, along with two other girls, Shamima Begum, 15 and Kadiza Sultana, 16, all former students at Bethnal Green academy in East London.

Earlier this month, the Guardian reported that two of the teens had contacted their families in London via phone and social media to say they had been married to IS fighters.

Shortly after the girls disappeared, their families blamed police for failing to deliver a warning letter about a boy from the same school, who had reportedly run away to join IS in Syria. The parents said that for some reason the letter had been given to the girls, instead of directly to them. The girls hadn’t passed the letters on to their parents.

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