Texas, Novorossiya, Catalonia and Scotland to fight for independence from Moscow


Moscow will host the first international meeting of the Texan, Catalan, Scottish representatives, as well as those from other regions, fighting for independence.

President of the Russian Antiglobalism movement Aleksandr Ionov said, that delegates from Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics would also arrive, as the conference is of current importance given the events on the south-east of Ukraine.

As he said, 'we want them (territories, representatives of which will gather in Moscow) to become independent states at last, or autonomous - that is a special status, enabling territories to solve their own problems on their own.'

He noted, that there will be also delegations from Italy, Hawaii, Western Sahara, and so on. The talks are being currently held with parties from the Eastern France, Spain, and other countries.

The Indians living in the US and Canada will also attend the event.

Also read: American tribes seek independence, break away from American states


Read article in Russian on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru



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