Sensational video of Boeing 777 crash above Ukraine appears online


On the first anniversary of the Malaysian Boeing disaster o July 17, a never-before-seen footage of first minutes after the tragedy has appeared on the Internet. The video was made by militia fighters soon after the jetliner crashed near Donetsk.

The video, about five minutes long, appeared on the website of News Corp. Australia, although editors of the publication said that they had a 17-minute recording.

The video shows militia fighters inspecting passengers' bags in an attempt to find out where the aircraft was flying from. One of the militia commanders is talking on the phone behind the scenes.

While on the phone, the commander says that he is on the site of a civilian plane crash. He also asks his interlocutor: "Is there another plane over there?" He also asks his interlocutor to keep the sites cordoned not to let civilians enter the zone of the crash.

Also read: Boeing 777 was shot down by Ukrainian MiG-29, Romanian expert says

Then, the commander says that the Boeing was shot down by a Sukhoi fighter jet. "They say a Sukhoi downed the civilian aircraft, and our fighters shot the Sukhoi down," said the commander. The question "where is the Sukhoi?" remains unanswered.

While trying to understand the reasons of the crash, the militia fighters came to conclusion that it was the Ukrainian military, who downed the passenger plane to make it look like it was the militia forces who did it. The commander also shows the identity card of one of the flight attendants, and says that all the passengers of the liner  were "foreigners, Malaysians."

Someone in the background ask "who gave them the corridor (to fly into the zone)?"

It is worthy of note that a member of the international investigative group who said that Flight MH17 was downed by a missile, was immediately removed from the investigation, Politonline says.

Representatives of Russia's Investigative Committee decided to exposed the name of the prime witness in the case of the Malaysian Boeing crash in the Donbas: a former mechanic of the Ukrainian Air Force, Yevgeny Agapov. The mechanic saw and can prove that on the day of the disaster, one of the Ukrainian fighter jets took off fully armed and returned with less ammo, whereas its pilot said that the plane was "where it was not supposed to be."

In addition, on November 19, 2014, the Dutch government declined Elsevier publication in providing information about the investigation for a vague reason. In late October, in an interview with Der Spiegel, the head of the committee, Fred Westerbeke, said that the committee no "irrefutable evidence" on the case. To crown it all, The Daily Mail had quoted a former secret service employee, who said that Western intelligence and the Americans had all the details about the disaster. They know know shot the Boeing down, why and what for, the unnamed source of the British newspaper said.


Read article on the Russian page of Pravda.Ru

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