Russian, US scientists share data on experiments during year-long trip to ISS


MOSCOW, July 15. /TASS/. Russian and American scientists are sharing data on the experiments carried out during the year-long space mission of Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko and US astronaut Scott Kelly, Deputy Director of the Institute of Biomedical Problems at the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Bogomolov told TASS on Wednesday.

"As for data exchange, it is conducted only on joint and crossover experiments. A relevant agreement has been signed to this end. There are also national research programs. They are conducted individually, but often in parallel direction," he said.

According to Bogomolov, one of the important research programs is estimating changes in the body of astronaut Scott Kelly and his twin brother Mark who stayed on Earth. "For the genetic research program it’s very important to identify the dynamics of change," he said.

Although the researchers will scrutinize the Kelly brothers under the US national program, the basic data will be provided to the Russian side at the level of the Russian-American working group, Bogomolov noted.

Kelly and Kornienko blasted off to the International Space Station in late March and are due to return to Earth in early March next year. The purpose of the year-long mission is to understand the reaction of the human body to the adaptation process in conditions of weightlessness. The data obtained will help experts to reduce the risks for cosmonauts and astronauts’ health during long-term space flights.

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