Putin and Xi Jinping discuss projects to combine the Silk Road economic belt with EEU


UFA, July 8 /TASS/. Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin have discussed concrete projects to combine the Silk Road economic belt with the Eurasian Economic Union, Gui Congyou, director of the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s European-Central Asian Affairs department, told a briefing on Wednesday.

The diplomat recalled that the Russian and Chinese leaders had agreed to integrate the Silk Road economic belt with the Eurasian Economic Union at a meeting in Moscow in May.

"At today’s talks, the sides continued discussing concrete projects designed to implement that agreement," he added.

The Chinese diplomat said that the Russian and Chinese leaders had agreed to consider SCO as a convenient floor for integrating the implementation of those two projects.

"The Chinese and Russian presidents have established close working ties and profound personal friendship. The sides had a substantiated exchange of views on bilateral and international agenda. They agreed to deepen cooperation in all areas and preserve the high level of relations," Gui Congyou told journalists.

Russia and China, the foreign ministry’s representative said, play a vital role in economic development and the provision of global security.

"Tangible progress has been made in cooperation, which has huge potential and broad perspectives. That is why the sides agreed to develop partnership in trade, economic and energy spheres as well as in the development of the Far East," the Chinese diplomat stressed.

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