Posters threatening gays with death appear in Turkey


Turkey, one of the Muslim countries, that has not declared homosexuality illegitimate, faces protests in its capital Ankara.

Activists of the Young Islamic Defence group have come to a meeting with the posters threatening gays with death. Opponents of homosexuality require gays to be eliminated.

Activists called on other Muslims not to "adhere to the practice of the people of Lot", a prophet, who failed to halt the decline of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, according to the Koran.

The campaigners also urge to "respond to the immoral actions" of lesbians, gays and bisexuals.

Anti-riot police in Istanbul prevented annual gay pride march on June 28, using teargas, water cannon and firing rubber pellets to disperse thousands of participants in the city.

Also read: Obama asked not to speak of same-sex marriage in Kenya


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