Poroshenko pledges to punish those guilty of MH17 crash near Donetsk


KIEV, July 29. /TASS/. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko pledged on Wednesday to punish those responsible for the crash of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in the eastern Ukrainian Donetsk region last summer.

"The results speak for themselves," he wrote on his Facebook page in comments on the UN Security Council vote on the MH17 tribunal draft resolution on Wednesday.

"But Ukraine won’t stop at that. The guilty parties must be punished by all means. This is our duty to those who were killed and their relatives," the president said.

Russia vetoed on Wednesday the United Nations Security Council resolution on establishing an international tribunal to prosecute persons guilty of the MH17 plane crash over Ukraine on July 17, 2014.

Eleven Security Council members voted for the Malaysia-proposed draft, which, in fact, was enough for its adoption but Russia used its right of veto.

Another three countries, including Angola, Venezuela and China, abstained from voting.

A draft resolution of the UN Security Council on setting up a tribunal for the MH17 tragedy is devoid of any legal or case basis, the Russian ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin said on Wednesday as he was explaining for Moscow's decision to veto the document.

"We have repeatedly explained all this to our colleagues, urging them to think on alternatives," the diplomat said, adding that the authors of the draft resolution "refused to act in the spirit of cooperation".

The incident with MH17 cannot be qualified as a threat to international peace and security, he said adding that the shooting down of a Russian Tupolev-154 jet by a Ukrainian naval missile over the Black Sea in the autumn of 2001 did not entail the setting up of any tribunals.

"Russia is ready to continue assisting in a full, independent and objective investigation into the causes and circumstances of the crash of the Malaysian airliner, basing on provisions of Security Council resolution 2166 [of 2014] with an aim to find those guilty and have them punished," the diplomat said.

Russia’s decision to vote against the MH17 tribunal draft resolution "has nothing to do with encouragement of impunity," the UN ambassador said.

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