Poroshenko calls National Defence Council meeting over situation in Mukachevo


KIEV, July 13. /TASS/. Ukraine’s President Pyotr Poroshenko has called a meeting of the National Defence Council on Monday over the situation in the city of Mukachenko in Ukraine’s Trans-Carpathian region.

"The situation in Mukachevo will be in focus of the Military Cabinet meeting the president will hold on Monday. I would like to remind that the Military Cabinet is working body of the Ukrainian National Defence Council," Poroshenko wrote on his Facebook account.

According to earlier reports, the Right Sector extremist organization, which is outlawed in Russia, is planning to pull a number of its battalions to Kiev to take part in a protest rally. Right Sector spokesman Dmitry Savchenko said one of such battalions had left Donbass and was on its way to Kiev.

On Saturday, July 11, gunmen of the Right Sector extremist group, which is banned in Russia, opened fire from small arms on their opponents while discussing the "redistribution of spheres of influence" in Mukachevo. The extremists later opened fire from rifles, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers on police who arrived at the scene. They destroyed several police vehicles and also set on fire a traffic police checkpoint and a petrol station. As a result, three persons were killed and 11 more were wounded. Some of the gunmen were later blocked in a wooded area near the city. The Right Sector says two of its gunmen were killed and four wounded. Prosecutors described the incident as a terrorist attack.

Since late Saturday, Right Sector supporters have been staging rallies across the country demanding the resignation of Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov.

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