‘Popemobile’ driver takes best ever selfie with Pontiff

Reuters/Andres Stapff

Reuters/Andres Stapff

Pope Francis’s driver has become a star on Twitter after making the coolest ever selfie with the head of the Catholic Church.

Sebastian Gonzalez took the picture on Sunday as he was behind the wheel of the famous ‘popemobile’ in Asuncion, the Paraguayan capital.

The city’s streets were packed with thousands of believers, who had come to greet the first Pope from Latin American.

“I am twitstar? Oh no!” the driver wrote on Twitter after finding out that his selfie had been reposted by numerous users and media outlets.

Sunday was the final day of Pope Francis’s week-long tour of Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay, during which he gave over 20 speeches and celebrated several masses.

In his addresses, the 78-year-old urged an end to poverty in Latina America, decried modern consumerist society and labeled corruption the “gangrene of people.”

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