NSA spied on German Chancellors for 10 yrs, tapped 125 govt phone numbers - WikiLeaks

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (AFP Photo / Tobias Schwarz)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (AFP Photo / Tobias Schwarz)

America’s National Security Agency has spied on German chancellors and their offices for more than 10 years, a new WikiLeaks report says. The three leaked NSA intercepts indicate that the US targeted 125 phone numbers of top German officials.

The National Security Agency’s (NSA) intercepts published on Wednesday show that Washington has been tapping the phones of the political offices of the last three German chancellors – Angela Merkel, Gerhard Schröder (in office 1998–2002) and Helmut Kohl (chancellor from 1982 to 1998), the whistleblowing site said in a report Wednesday.

The report claimed that the US has been engaged in the long-term surveillance of 125 confidential numbers for top German officials and “did so for political and economic reasons.”

Washington has been tapping not only the numbers for Chancellor Merkel, but also for her top officials, her aides, her chief of staff, her political office and even her fax machine, WikiLeaks said.

"There is now proof enough of NSA surveillance on German soil. It is time to reopen the investigation and for the NSA to stop engaging in its illegal activities against Germany," WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said wrote a statement.


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