Greek crisis is common European problem - Tsipras


BRUSSELS, July 8. /TASS/. The crisis in Greece is a pan-European problem, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Tuesday following the eurozone summit in Brussels.

"Our main task is to reach a socially just and economically viable agreement," Tsipras said. " We do not have a Greek problem, we have a common European problem."

"The Greek government has presented today the proposals, which were formulated as the national strategy at the council of political leaders yesterday," he noted. "They include the obligations for adequate coverage of financial needs, a strong investment package to address the unemployment issue and imply a substantive discussion of the necessary debt restructuring."

Tsipras added that the negotiations at the summit were held in a positive way. "We began an intensive dialogue with a view to finding a solution before the end of the week," he said. "The government has a powerful weapon in its hands - the verdict of the Greek people.".

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