Canadian to spend 6 months in jail for objecting feminists in Twitter


A Canadian resident may face half a year in jail for objecting feminists in Twitter.

Greg Elliott is accused of criminal harassment for disagreeing with the campaign of two feminist activists.

Father of four was arrested in 2012 and fired from his job as a graphic designer after he opposed Guthrie and Reilly's plan to generate "hatred on the Internet" targeting the designer of an online video game which allowed players to simulate punching feminist blogger Anita Sarkeesian in the face.

Elliott felt that the two activists' plot to publicly shame the young man "was every bit as vicious as the face-punch game," and could cause the young man to commit suicide, urging Guthrie and Reilly not to follow through.

Guthrie and Reilly then claimed that Elliott's refusal to endorse the plot (he had previously helped Guthrie's feminist group by offering to design a free poster), represented "criminal harassment."

Thus, feminists in Canada could claim that anyone who disagrees with or offends them is engaging in "criminal harassment" and demand they be sent to prison.

Elliott was engaged in harassment merely for tagging them in tweets. At no point did Elliott make any remarks directed at the two that could be construed as sexual harassment, hate speech, or violent rhetoric, according to Toronto Police Detective Jeff Bangild.

The very worst comment that Elliott made in reference to the activists was a tweet in which he indirectly referred to the women as "fat" and "ugly".

The astounding thing about this case is that Elliott himself was clearly subjected to harassment by Guthrie and Reilly when the two activists sent him a barrage of hateful tweets. Another supporter of Guthrie and Reilly even pretended to be a 13-year-old girl to try and portray Elliott as a pedophile.

"If anybody was being criminally harassed in this case, it was my client, it was Mr. Elliott," Murphy told Ontario Court Judge Brent Knazan.

Also read: USA: Students not allowed to classes until they pass a three-hour course of retraining feminism


Read article in Russian on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru

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