Apple co-founder: Robots to own people as their pets


Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak believes that AI robot technologies development will go so far, that will enslave people.

Wozniak warned, that artificial intelligence capacities will be able to put people under supervision by the end of the century.

Humans will be literally owned by AI robots, much like now humans currently own dogs or cats. Robots will be in charge, in other words.

Today robots can solve any task and take place of your friend or neighbour, due to Google technologies. Wozniak himself claimed, that he "got over fear" of becoming a robot slave.

"Computers are going to take over from humans, no question," Wozniak said, affirming what many others in the tech industry, including Tesla CEO Elon Musk, believe will commence once AI technology really gets off the ground.

Echoing the concerns of Musk, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, physicist Stephen Hawking, and others, Wozniak does acknowledge some of the risks involved with developing AI technologies. But these risks aren't necessarily a deal breaker because AI robots, in his view, will probably treat humans kindly just like most people treat their own pets.

Today, however, robots kill people at plants, and unmanned Google cars may kill their owners, in case they consider it resonable.

Besides, when a robot has been recently asked what immoral is, he claimed it is 'that you have a baby'.

So, the fears of Mr Wozniak are quite justified.

Also read: Japanese robotic bear to assist in suicide


Read article in Russian on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru

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