US minorities to dominate whites


Latest research made by the U.S. Census Bureau says that national minority groups will prevail the white population of the country in the mid 40s.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the American national groups comprise as much as 50,2% of all children.

The death rate among the whites prevail their birthrate. While the number of births among the minorities counts three to one with the number of deaths.

Kenneth Johnson, the senior demographer at the University of New Hampshire's Carsey School of Public Policy said, "This is without historical precedent. The minority population is growing, and the non-Hispanic white population is not."

William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution claimed that, "declining white births, minority white toddlers and pervasive losses in the nation's under age 20 white population - indicate that future generations almost everywhere will be increasingly made up of minorities."

There is already a number of States with majority-minority jurisdictions. These are Hawaii at 77 percent, followed by the District of Columbia (64.2 percent), California (61.5 percent), New Mexico (61.1 percent) and Texas (56.5 percent).

Also read: A prof won't reproduce not to propagate white kids


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