Russian deputy accuses US of attempt to turn Europe into its marionette


MOSCOW, June 24 /TASS/. Russian deputy Irina Yarovaya has accused the United States of "spying impudence", which she believes, has practically exposed its desire to turn Europe into a US marionette.

Earlier, the French daily Liberation and the MediaPart website jointly with WikiLeaks published facts proving that the US National Security Agency (NSA) tapped negotiations and intercepted e-mails of three French presidents — Jacques Chirac, Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande — as well as of their closest aides in a period from 2006 to May 2012.

"The main question is how Europe is going to react to the US ‘spying impudence’, which is practically exposing US plans to turn Europe into its own puppet theatre," Yarovaya who heads the security and anti-corruption committee at the Russian State Duma (parliament’s lower house) told journalists on Wednesday. She also expressed the hope that European leaders were not ready to become objects of manipulation.

"Citizens of sovereign European states are against such scenarios in their lives," Yarovaya stressed.

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