Man arrested for espionage giving confessionary evidence — Russian Security Service


MOSCOW, June 26. /TASS/. A dual Russian/Lithuanian citizen who was arrested in the westernmost Kaliningrad region on Thursday on suspicions of espionage for Lithuania had been collecting defence-related information, the leakage of which might inflict damage on this country’s defence capability, the public communications office of the Federal Security Service (FSB) told TASS on Friday.

"On June 24, the Federal Security Service detained in the city of Sovetsk in the Kaliningrad region citizen of Russia and Lithuania Yevgeny Leonidovich Mataitis, born in 1977, on suspicion of committing a crime state treason," the center said.

According to the report, the 2nd Department of Operative Services of the Lithuanian Ministry of National Defense (military intelligence and counterintelligence) gave a task of Mataitis to collect data of military character on the Russian Armed Forces that was sensitive for national defense.

"An investigation is underway and the arrested man is giving confessionary evidence," the FSB said.

An FSB investigator has instituted a criminal case under Article 275 of the Russian Criminal Code citing high treason.

On Thursday, the Lefortovo district court of Moscow City authorized custody of Mataitis until August 24.

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