G7 summit without Putin. Yawn


The G7 summit starts on June 7 in the Bavarian Alps. Western leaders will spend a couple of carefree days in the picturesque Elmau Castle, discussing problems of the world. Most likely, the summit will take place in the form of monologues, as world leaders will have to one to argue with. Russian President Vladimir Putin has not received an invitation to the summit. The Group of Seven will thus be left without an alternative point of view. 

The Washington Times noted that Russia's absence at the summit may affect the political interests of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, as the German leader would need to discuss a lot with Putin that is not on the agenda of the summit.   

Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder called the decision of the Group of Seven not to invite Putin a mistake. According to him, "Russia has an alternative  in Europe, but not vice versa."  Schroeder believes that the issue of the Ukrainian crisis must be discussed with Russia, but Putin was not invited for the summit so the opportunity had been missed.  

German entrepreneurs also complain. Russia's counter sanctions continue causing significant damage to German exports. Chairman of the Eastern Committee of German Economy Eckhard Cordes believes that Russia's participation in the summit would push the Kremlin towards constructive steps in the solution of the Ukrainian conflict.  

Chairman of the German-Russian Forum Matthias Platzeck is convinced that without Moscow fighting international terrorism is impossible. 

As history shows, the West was disfavoring the Soviet Union for years, until victories of Hitler and his allies convinced Europe and the US to seek help from Stalin. History repeats itself, as we know, and Russia may thus become the only possible salvation for the Western leadership to save the Middle East from destructive influences of ISIS and millions of refugees migrating to Europe. 


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