China stole data on sexual life and pernicious habits of US government


Recent computer breach at the Office of Personnel Management appeared to be extremely detrimental to the US national security.

The Chinese hackers turned out to have stolen some important data. These are sexual secretes of the US government members and information on their pernicious habits.

A senior U.S. official has confirmed that foreign hackers compromised the intimate personal details of an untold number of government workers. Likely included in the hackers' haul: information about workers' sexual partners, drug and alcohol abuse, debts, gambling compulsions, marital troubles, and any criminal activity.

Those details, which are now presumed to be in the hands of Chinese spies, are found in the so-called "adjudication information" that U.S. investigators compile on government employees and contractors who are applying for security clearances.

Three former U.S. intelligence officials claimed that the adjudication information would effectively provide dossiers on current and former government employees, as well as contractors. It gives foreign intelligence agencies a roadmap for finding people with access to the government's most highly classified secrets.

Infidelity. Sexual fetishes. Drug abuse. Crushing debt. They're the most intimate secrets of U.S. government workers. And now they're in the hands of foreign hackers.

Also read: US to set biometric ID verification


Read more on the subject here


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