Over the weekend, I found pleasure hanging out at a tiny Italian restaurant with great cuisine, where I spoke to a Russian/Ukrainian waitress from Lugansk whom I first befriended two years ago. Knowing the dire situation in the Eastern and Southern parts of Ukraine, I expressed concern about her folks. She assured me that they were fine, as they're situated on the other side of the frontline, where the Ukrainian and Russian oligarchs have their fat factories.
To protect my new friend's identity, I will call her Lara.
Lara came to America with the help of a student exchange program, but decided to stay in the U.S. for good. In order to remain here legally, she has been taking English language lessons over and over - yes, for six years! Here is the rule: she can remain in the same school for no longer than two years so she had to change schools periodically and begin her English lessons all over again from scratch. I told her she could probably teach her own class now after perpetually polishing her English skills. For now, the poor girl has no other choice but to attend her classes or return back to Ukraine.
Why did I mention Ukraine and not Novorossyia? Well, her region is the territory occupied by Kiev Junta, often visited by Pan Poroshenko himself and his ilk. Citizens of this region are protected by the Russian Oligarchs! There was not a single distraction or artillery assault. All who live there regularly receive their pensions; there were no cut-offs of the social services like what brutally happened in Novorossyia.
The elderly, helpless 'terrorists' haven't seen their hard earned money since September, 2014. Their accounts were blocked with the blessings of the corrupted duo, Yatzenyk and Poroshenko. Most labored for twenty plus years, only to be labeled terrorists by their own government.
The newly DNR and LNR territories basically survive with the help of various volunteers throughout the world, but mostly by the Russian Federation. The latest twenty-sixth humanitarian convoy was filled with food, water, medications, clothes, seeds for the fields, construction materials and textbooks for students. It has already been delivered.
The story line is going to zigzag right here in a curious direction.
During my last visit to the cozy restaurant, I was introduced to a girl from Moscow, a new waitress who began working at the place about three weeks ago.
As a newshound, I couldn't resist asking her questions. Here is what I learned about the new addition to the eatery. I will keep her real name anonymous to protect her from the misery of being caught. Let's call her Vera.
Vera came to the U.S. with a tourist visa, but sent a request to the American and Russian Embassies to reapply for a student visa almost immediately! The waiting period is six months, which gives this young lady a long time to spend in NYC, waiting on tables. She has already been here for eight months - legally, so far!
I asked Vera how comfortable she was with her English. She said she studied it in Russia since her childhood, but, occasionally, she runs into words she doesn't understand. So, she wouldn't have minded taking an English class like Lara did to obtain a student's status.
Now here's the troubling part that urged me to write about this whole hoopla.
Vera attended a prestigious financial University, founded by The Russian Federation, where it's exceptionally hard to be accepted. She finished one course of applied political science before taking an academic year off. Here is a description of this establishment:
My new acquaintance told me the shocking revelation. Her professor taught his students not to trust Russian news and directed a one-sided discussion of it, aimed at finding pure propaganda and only viewing and discussing the negative part of Russian news in the class!
Basically, he advised his students who were interested in politics to get out of Russia on the first plane! I was in awe listening to this young, 20 years old girl, whose mind was brainwashed by a high-ranking teacher. Remember, his rant was sponsored by the Russian Federation! What's wrong with this picture?
Vera was fully covered without paying a single ruble for her education; yet she chose to part with Russia following the advice of her professor. Astonishing!
Personally, I'm convinced that the only unbiased news in the world right now comes from the Russian sources. The main international media stream falsifying and fabricating stories to discredit Russia!
Not a single paper in the West or the U.S. credited Russian pilots for bringing home from destabilized Yemen not only Russians, but also Americans, Ukrainians, French and citizens from ten other countries. Four Russian planes carried out a rescue operation without charging their passengers. Obama refused to send planes to pick up four hundred Americans, stating it was too dangerous. He added that Washington warned them to stay away from Yemen!
At least twenty-four Americans were safely returned with the help of Russia. But the numbers may be higher, as Russians don't brag about it! I saw a tiny segment on TV, where grateful Americans praised Russian's graciousness. That's how I learned about it - not from Reuters, BBC, Bloomberg Media or New York Times.
Digging around the Internet, I found information about one of Vera's curious teachers of the Political Science in Moscow. Apparently he founded a few International relation research initiatives and is a member of the global energy club, besides being a leading teacher! Whenever I hear about a 'global' organization, I get in my high alert mode. Can we get a closer look at him?
I'm not implying that he is the villain, but it would be interesting to learn more about his character and activities. Is he a part of the Russian elite? He has been teaching political science for fifteen years.
Does President Vladimir Putin know about existence of these crafty provocateurs around him? He must at least check the spiteful gurus attitude before letting them teach using those questioning methods in his sponsored university. They are his fifth column enemies within who teach the youth to hate Russia!
I was saddened by it, but managed to save my face, asking if Vera plans to go back to Moscow and finish her education! She was indifferent and said her folks wanted it more than she did. Of course, her free education was ensured already.
Her parents demanded that their daughter return and finish her studies, then she is free to go whenever she fancies, but with a prestige Russian diploma that can open vast opportunities.
Before selecting students the Russian Federation is willing to pay for, they need to check the mentality of their parents! Don't waste money on someone who will leave Russia right after getting their diploma! Give this opportunity to the Russians who love their country and will contribute their knowledge to improve the financial conditions of Russia with their creative, productive approaches.
Perhaps the Russian government members in charge of financial education should take note. They need to review urgently who is teaching the new generation at their expense. RF can prevent those homegrown enemies paid for by Washington.
The finance University could produce more odious characters, such as Navalny, Katz, Biyokov, Konev, the late Nemtzov and the other paid-off diversion groups' traitors bankrolled by Washington and the Soros Foundation.
The same anti-government phenomena also appeared at Columbia University in NYC where the deans teach their students to hate America.
To prevent it, Finance University must ban the nefarious professors who teach young minds to question their government in order to destroy it from within.
The ugly Maidan scenario covertly spread roots in Macedonia! I only pray that wisdom will prevail and anti-government demonstrators will learn what consequences the Kiev Junta is facing now - unemployment, poverty, murder, fear and the inexorable corruption of an unlawfully installed Government, backed by the U.S. and the Soros Foundation. The latter is behind Macedonian uprisings as well. Soros footprints are all over any anarchy, including the Occupy Wall Street movement. Leaked information outlining Soros NGO's that came up with regime change idea. Macedonian students received $1,500 each to participate in uprising.
Meanwhile, these sweet Russian-speaking girls who happily waited on me were rather anti-Russian to my dismay. They should have learned that American propaganda is a deadly poison and the rats trapped in it will be exterminated first!
May 19, 2015
Victoria F. Lee
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